Notice of Requirement lodged

We have now lodged Notice of Requirement documentation with Auckland Council to protect the land we need for future North West Auckland projects.

Brigham Creek Interchange

We’ve investigated the best way for cyclists, pedestrians, public transport users and drivers to travel through the interchange and the recommended option is a ‘split fork’ design.

This page details more information on the interchange, and what the next steps are for this project.

The Brigham Creek Interchange will allow a wide range of travel modes to move and transfer easily through the interchangeincluding new public transport routes via the future Rapid Transit Corridor, new walking and cycling networks and the new Alternative State Highway.

The interchange will also improve local trips by upgrading Fred Taylor Drive and Brigham Creek Road. It will play a key role to help new active and public transport connections work efficiently so more people can access safe, sustainable travel choices.

In the future, we’re also proposing to upgrade the current roundabout at the intersection of Brigham Creek Road, Fred Taylor Drive and SH16.

We’re working to refine the footprint for the proposed Interchange by considering environmental and ecological features and how the new interchange will help people connect to new housing areas, future town centres and the rest of the transport network.

We’ve investigated the best way for cyclists, pedestrians, public transport users and drivers to travel through the interchange and have recommended a design. This is the preferred design option because:

  • It is safer for active and public transport modes as it has fewer intersections within the interchange.
  • It is more attractive for active mode users as it has better separation between the motorway and local roads and will provide access to roadside amenities.
  • It provides more reliable access for both the strategic connections and local roads, allowing people to move through the interchange to and from all North West areas, and improving journey times.

What's happening now?

We have lodged Notice of Requirement documentation with Auckland Council to protect the land we need for future transport projects in the North West.

The Detailed Business Case for the North West recommends that some local roads should be progressed by Auckland Transport at a later stage, rather than through this Notice of Requirement (designation) process.

This means upgrades to Nixon Road, Riverhead Road, Station Road and Northside Drive will be considered as part of Auckland Transport’s regular Regional Land Transport Plan process.

Public submissions are anticipated to open at the end of February 2023. We will advise the dates closer to the time and Auckland Council will confirm this in writing to landowners and other interested parties.

The Brigham Creek Interchange is a long-term project and is yet to be prioritised for funding with construction expected within the next 20 to 30 years.